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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Workout Wednesday!

Today's Workout Wednesday tips are from one of my favorite trainers, Tracy Anderson. 

 Tiny little fighting machine.

Tracy is the personal trainer to numerous celebrities and has become known for her more dance-aerobic approach to fitness. She is all about toning the body without bulking, to create a feminine ballet-inspired look, which she calls "the Tracy Anderson Method." 

I've been following her for the last 6 years and trust me, she will kick your butt when you need it. You will feel tiny muscles hurting that you didn't even know existed! 

If you want a great butt and leg workout, here is one that she created for client, Gwyneth Paltrow. Have fun!!

She's a little crazy- so be warned! 
As an additional disclaimer: I'm not a huge fan of her nutrition plans because they just don't seem to provide balanced meals and most of them are just pureed foods... BUT her workouts are GREAT at toning all your muscles. 


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