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Monday, April 11, 2016

Big Apple Visit: International Esthetics Show!

Last month, I had the opportunity to head up to NYC for the International Esthetics, Cosmetics, and Spa Conference. As this was my first conference in the five years of being an esthetician, I was super excited!

Taking the train from D.C.’s Union Station up to New York’s Penn Station is usually the best way to get there- plus you get to meet the most interesting people on the train! As I made my way out of Penn Station, I headed west towards 11th and 34th street and knew I was getting closer as I saw people dressed in their all black, makeup done up, and bags filled with the newest hair, makeup, and skin tools and supplies. Javits was swarming with people. If you’re one who gets overwhelmed easy, it’s pretty much your worst nightmare dressed in hair extensions and show biz people.
Since I made my reservations early in the year, I also made sure to get my International Beauty Show pass. With my wristband and name tags securely fastened, I made a bee-line straight towards the skin show. Waxing demos, organic skin care, pageant skin care, the newest trends, machinery, enzyme masks, you name it, was at my fingertips. I made a few laps to scope everything out before devising a more systematic approach.

I visited just about every product booth there was and sampled as much as I could. There were brands ranging from the barely known to those well known to resort settings. With all the products I tried, I bought a few products from Hydropeptide, Hydrafacial, Pure Fiji, and a handheld LED therapy device.

All in all, I’d recommend going to a conference in your early years as an esthetician to get a feel for all of the treatment options, products, gadgets, tools, etc. I ended up spending two days at the convention without paying extra for lectures, but if you spend your time wisely, it can easily be done in one day if you’re there just for products. Next time, I will definitely take advantage of the guest lectures and classes to make it more worth the time spent in the city. And, the bonus, any excuse to visit NYC is a good one to me! 
Trying out an LED mask! 

Beautiful mermaid makeup demo from Makeup Forever
Stay tuned for product reviews in my next post!

xo Drea


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